"Your one stop site for everything whale"

Monday, July 4, 2011

Hello again dear fans!
In the spirit of the holiday (and since there are no good google image results for "fourth of July whale") I photoshopped a patriotic whale:
nothing like a patriotic whale to get you in the spirit! 

Speaking of different types of whales, I figured I would briefly explain and show a picture of each type of whale that is in our poll (please vote!!!!!):
Narwhal: the unicorn of the sea
Orca: also known as "killer whale", the most famous would of course be Shamu

Blue Whale: largest whale yet eats almost entirely krill (can be over 100ft long!)
humpback whale: pretty large baleen whale with really cute large pectoral fins

right whales: named because they were the "right" whales to hunt, they have almost been whaled to extinction. There are only approximately 400 left. poor little guys!!
Fin whale: I saw a 70ft one of these when I went whale watching as a youngin 

Sperm Whale: deepest diving mammal and largest toothed whale
Beluga whale: cute little white whales. I call them marshmallows of the sea and have actually swam with them before!!
I think I've set some sort of record for most pictures and actual factual information on a hailwhales post

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